I decided to start my own general contractor business after years of working for companies that didn't care about their clients or their employees. So in 2018 I finally did it, it has been a labor of love but I wouldn't change it for the world. My team and I take pride in all the projects that we have have finished. I have amazing team that I work with, they have a combined 40+ yrs experience in the the home renovation and many other services. My hope and dream for my business is to build a company that is well respected in the community for providing exceptional quality of work at affordable prices, and being able to provide company that people want to work for. From the bottom of my heart I truly appreciate the clients that have trusted me with their homes, especially in these uncertain times. Thank you all for helping me make a dream come true.
The Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR) issues licenses for water well drilling, electrical, air conditioning and refrigeration, and mold removal, but not plumbing services. Contractors must also register with the local permitting department.
Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation
Address: 920 Colorado Austin, Texas 78701
Toll-Free in Texas: 1-800-803-9202
Relay Texas – TDD: 1-800-735-2989
By offering to waive a deductible or promising discounts on all or part of a deductible, the contractor risks a fine of up to $ 2,000 and imprisonment of up to 6 months