Dick's Automatic Door Company
1535 Woodville Rd, Millbury OH , 43447
Dick Zeiter worked at the Spicer Transmission Division of Dana Corporation in Toledo Ohio. As a younger employee he was faced with numerous layoffs as the Corporation began moving production out of Toledo. In 1974 while working part time at a gas station, a customer introduced him to the business of installing TV Towers part time.
As his new company, Dick's Antenna Service, began to grow, he was asked to install some garage door openers by one of his wholesale suppliers. Finding that the task took similar tools to the TV Tower Business and that it had a different busy season made it a comfortable fit to the business. He began Dick's Automatic Door Service in December of 1975. Over the years, the TV Tower business diminished, first due to cable and then satellite TV. The garage door business, however, continued to grow. After his final layoff from Dana in 1983, he finally went full time with the garage door company.
(419) 472-2100 dicksdoors.com