Proficient Builders started with a vision to provide a service customers can rely on whether a call for a repair, remodel, or new home. Through the years we continue to grow keeping in mind that efficient ways of working creates a more affordable project or repair. We love what we do and it shows we are very passionate about what we do. Meanwhile we are always looking for ways to better communicate with our customers and always educating ourselves to improve our techniques for an everchanging industry.
Oregon law requires all contractors and subcontractors performing work in the state of Oregon to be licensed.
Licensed contractors are bonded and insured and can be more easily held accountable in the event of a problem. Should you need information about whether your Garage Doors contractor is to be licensed, contact Consumer Help Center by 503-378-4621. The most accurate way to find a license is with the CCB (Oregon Construction Contractors Board) license number. Contractors must include this number on their advertisements, including brochures, websites, and business cards. Ask your contractor for the number and verify contractor's recent history of disciplinary actions on yourself if necessary.
CCB Licensing
Address: 201 High St. SE Suite 600 P.O. Box 14140 Salem, OR 97309-5052