1958 The Jones' had their beginnings in the plumbing industry by Ronald L. Jones on the Newville Road in Carlisle. 1980 As the business grew Ronald trained his son, Steven L. Jones with the skill and abilities that allowed him to assume ownership. 1986 The office and shop was moved to its present location at 354 A Street. 1990 The business became officially recognized as Jones Plumbing Inc. 1993 To better serve customers, Steven hired his brother, Ronald M. Jones as business manager. 1995 As the business grew it became necessary for facilities to expand. A new business complex was erected to include more shop area, office space and a new attractive showroom. 2001 Ronald became owner of Jones Plumbing Inc. continuing the Jones tradition of plumbing service into the 21st Century. 2012 Jason Wetzel, brother-in-law of Ronald became owner of Jones Plumbing Inc. The showroom was updated and more product choices and services were offered to our customers.
At Mammoth we were founded on our core value of compassion, and we are committed to Get it Right! We began serving property owners in central PA in 2008 and have since expanded to 5 locations in Pennsylvania.
Homeowners should always check to see if a Pennsylvania home renovation contractor is registered by visiting www.attorneygeneral.gov or by calling 1-888-520-6680.
Check the following informations before hiring contractor:
Contact and insurance information;
Contractor description
Information about previous home improvement projects
Any contracting licenses
Bankruptcy, prosecution and convictions for home renovation fraud
Home Improvement Consumer Protection Act requires most home improvement or Plumbing contractors to register with the Pennsylvania Attorney General’s Office. In addition, these contractors must maintain minimum insurance coverage and use contracts that meet a range of consumer protection requirements outlined in this law. The Attorney General's Office for Consumer Protection is responsible for meeting these requirements.