Tim Kenney Building And Remodeling
04305 Pearsall Rd,
East Jordan
MI ,
My bipological father was a career mason so I was exposed to that trade at an early age. I worked for my father until I graduated high school in 1979. When I married at 21 yrs. I was blessed with a father-in-law that was a life time carpenter that possessed a incredible knowledge of his trade. Almost all of my current building knowledge I owe to him. Upon his passing in 1997 I felt compelled to make use of the gift my father-in-law (DAD) had given me over the years that I new him. So I agreed to accompany my younger brother to Marquette Mi. to assist him in trying to pass his residential builders test by quizing him on the way. He was extremely nervous about the exam and he convinced me to take it along with him. I had planned to take the test eventually anyway so I agreed. A month later I received the results of my test, I passed and my younger brother failed his test. I've been in business every since and I owe it all to my Father-In-Law, thanks (DAD) for being there.