We. Started just doing lawns then found that large acres jobs pay better so we left the lawn work and went into. What we now do. Which is bushhoging tilling snowpowing and dirt&gravle work.
Turf Defenders was established in 2019 by Roy and Lindsay Summers of Greenbrier AR. Our Customer First approach and focus on select services ensures quality second to none and a dedication to professional results and Guaranteed Satisfaction
A residential remodelers license or residential builders license or home improvement license are not needed to do works on a single-family residence, if the Tree Removal project worth does not exceed $ 2,000, including labor and material.
A residential builders license is for single-family residence to be built
A residential remodelers license is for major structural changes to a single-family residence to be made.
A home improvement license is for performing special jobs in a single-family home such as painting, roofing, flooring, etc.