Brown County Choppers, LLC is a family owned business. BCC was started out of the need for Glen and Heidi's own over grown tree belt that seemed impossible to bring back to life. When searching for options they realized there were more people out there with the same problem and they could provide a timely and cost effective solution. Heidi and Glen take great pride in their work and attention to detail.
Before hiring a contractor, be sure to verify the contractor is being properly licensed In compliance with state law requirements. These three tips may provide you avoid a scam:
if your project cost is valued at $4,000 or more you must hire a contractor being licensed by the Secretary of State. To verify if a contractor's license is an active, use Licensed Contractor list.
Any contractor or service provider that has a license issued outside the jurisdiction of the state of North Dakota must have a Transient Merchant License issued by the Attorney General. Be sure to Search the list of licensed Transient Merchants.
If all the required licenses are an active, be sure to obtain a signed contract which specifies the project details being done.
You shouldn't make down payments more than 1/3 of the contract price.
You should not make full payment until after all the work and official inspection have been properly completed .