Tree-N-Turf has been in business since 1975, servicing Mid-Central Minnesota. We bring lawn care professionals to your doorstep that bring in-depth knowledge to you in order to satisfy all of your lawn care needs. Among our services, we include lawn and tree spraying, weed control, insect and disease control, ground sterilization, lawn mowing, spring and fall clean up, pruning of your perennials and shrubs, light landscaping, lawn seeding, and in the winter months, snow plowing. All of our professionals are licensed and trained, and have continuing education each year.
Brown County Choppers, LLC is a family owned business. BCC was started out of the need for Glen and Heidi's own over grown tree belt that seemed impossible to bring back to life. When searching for options they realized there were more people out there with the same problem and they could provide a timely and cost effective solution. Heidi and Glen take great pride in their work and attention to detail.
Any building project to be performed in South Dakota that is not exempt pursuant to 36-18A-9 must be constructed by South Dakota licensed design contractors.
You do not need to be licensed to supervise or plan building changes or renovations unless it makes significant changes to the mechanical, electrical or structural systems and does not violate a building safety code. In this way, interior designers can design non-structural store facades, interior changes or additions, fixtures, cabinets, furniture, and any non-structural work required to install them.
Change orders or additional documents that require changes to construction documents must be sealed, signed and dated by the licensed person responsible for the changes.