We offer our clients the most complete selection of replacement windows for Houston and surrounding areas. Our expert installers have over 12 years on average of installing high performance windows and doors in Houston.
Factory direct window manufacturing to installation, Ringer Windows sells direct to the everyone including homeowners, contractors and other building professionals. We started small and have increased our business yearly since 2006. As of April, 2013 we have build over 80,000 windows and the number keeps growing. We recently opened our new company owned window manufacturing facility. We are proud to announce our incredible "Walk of Windows" showroom featuring our full product line of installed windows and doors as you would find them in your home. Come experience our operable windows such as double hung windows, single hung windows, casements and awnings. We have offer different shapes and architectural styles of picture style windows such as arches, rounds, triangles.
The Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR) issues licenses for water well drilling, electrical, air conditioning and refrigeration, and mold removal, but not plumbing services. Contractors must also register with the local permitting department.
Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation
Address: 920 Colorado Austin, Texas 78701
Toll-Free in Texas: 1-800-803-9202
Relay Texas – TDD: 1-800-735-2989
By offering to waive a deductible or promising discounts on all or part of a deductible, the contractor risks a fine of up to $ 2,000 and imprisonment of up to 6 months